2016 In The Rear View Mirror

It’s been a really eventful and busy year; busy but in a good way.

I started my year with Jesus. Sounds funny, but that’s exactly what happened.

I have found my way back to the Lord and I can honestly say that this was the best decision I have ever made and looking back I question how I even made it without Him! He has changed my life in so many ways and I continue to see all of His goodness and blessings daily. He gives me rest, hope and reassurance, and He sees me through the rough and stressful times. And best of all, He has blessed me with the greatest gift anyone can receive: my salvation.9e956035a01c35c0b9b675451fc5191b
In the early months of this year, my husband and I purchased our first very own home and we are truly blessed to be able to fulfill the dream of being  homeowners in Hawaii. Shortly after our move, I started a new job which was also a tremendous blessing. 

I paid off my debt and right before my birthday in April, I was able to purchase my first brand new vehicle ever, which is another significant accomplishment. Now please don’t think I am talking about all this to brag, I am not trying to in any way. I may have briefly mentioned before that I am a domestic violence survivor and that I have hit rock bottom just a few years back. It was a rough time, not having a home, a job or a car, only having a couple of boxes with my personal belongings and having to start from zero. So I am very proud of myself and am thanking the good Lord for seeing and guiding me through all of this and blessing me with a wonderful life, husband and family.

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Another thing to mention about this years birthday is that it actually snowed in Germany. My mom had sent me a video and said that it hasn’t snowed in April or on my birthday in 31 years. Umm, I am 31 one years old, so the last time it did snow was when I was born…

I have continued my tattoo removal journey as well. So far I endured 4 sessions and my tattoo has faded a lot. However, the cosmetic surgeon who I saw has turned up the wavelength of the laser too much last time and I ended up with scarring in some areas. I will definitely not go back to him for anything again! I feel like he didn’t really know what he was doing. And now I’m left with a rather [ugly] half removed tattoo on my chest. This journey is postponed until who knows when.

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In May, my in-laws and a family friend came to visit us for my husband’s graduation. It was truly special for his parents to be able to be here for this significant day. I’m so proud of my husband for his accomplishments, anyone who works full-time and takes classes after hours knows what it’s like. So this little family reunion was definitely a nice break and way to celebrate.

We also took a trip to San Diego for a week in July. It was my husband’s work trip and it was nice to be able to accompany him and be back in SD for a bit. We had two weekends together, and during the weekdays when my husband had to be at work, I cruised around and explored my old stomping grounds. I got to meet up with two of my roommates and catch up and reminisce about our good times. My husband and I planned on visiting Disneyland, purchased our tickets in Hawaii in advance and of course forgot them on the table at home, which we didn’t realize until the last day of being there. I was bummed as this was going to be my first time (yep, you read it right lol), but after all we got to spend some more time with friends and that was a great way to end our trip. I’m sure one day we will make it to Disneyland and by then it might even be a visit with little ones, who knows. โ˜บ

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A few days after being back home we had our IVF consultation. We were so nervous and had no idea that the ball would get rolling that fast! I started with my birth control protocol a few days after the appointment. The following month (September) I underwent a laparoscopy/hysteroscopy to remove endometriosis and a polyp, three weeks after that I started stimming, and egg retrieval was in the beginning of October. We were looking forward to a fresh transfer, but this got canceled due to OHSS risk, and after all, I am actually glad that it did. My body definitely needed all the time it could get to recover, which I didn’t realize until after I felt better.


I was planning our office Christmas party at work, so that kept me busy for a good while as well and November went by super fast. Even though Christmas time is a bittersweet time for us due to our pregnancy losses last year, I still love the holidays and we enjoyed them and made it the best it could be because it was also special since it was our first holiday season in our new home.

2017 is right around the corner and we are anxiously waiting for January to come. Just two more weeks until our Frozen Embryo Transfer seems a little surreal at times, but I am so excited! And who knows, maybe next year we will be reflecting back on 2016/17 with smiles on our faces, saying that the pain and struggle to get to being parents was all worth it.

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Despite all of our infertility struggles, I see the goodness that came from all of it. One thing was that I have met and connected with many women who are going through similar struggles, which make getting through this journey so much easier; THANK YOU! And I have also learned to talk openly about our struggles, which has helped me to process our recent heartbreaks.

I am still not sure what my part in God’s plan is nor do I know if I will ever find out, but I will continue to seek Him and keep faith in Him. I hope that my blog and sharing our story (so far) has helped the ones who have been following and reading along, whether you are affected by infertility, know someone who is affected or just simply want to understand the process of assisted fertility and IVF.


New Year’s Resolutions: Not really any except 1) Being a better person and wife (and hopefully mother) each day that goes by; 2) Strengthening my relationship with Christ; 3) Continuing to share my testimony in hopes of helping others to see His goodness and receiving their salvation through our King.

May 2017 be a great year for all of you!

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2 thoughts on “2016 In The Rear View Mirror

  1. Sad but so happy we r praying that everything will work out and Kaye will be in Hawaii in Sept I’m excited and praying it will be Gidd plan live u and can’t wait for the New Year to hear how things f going ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€


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